Accomodation in Gütersloh - house rules
Dear guests,
so that all guests can feel welcomed, some rules are to be obeyed, which will be described in the following. With the reservation of your stay you have already accepted these house rules, we ask you now again for knowledge and observance.
1.) The respective room fee must be paid to the guesthouse by the 4th of each month in advance, either in cash or by bank transfer, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the guesthouse.
Third parties are not permitted to stay at the guesthouse, especially overnight, and must be agreed with the guesthouse in advance. This is absolutely necessary for insurance reasons!
2.) Smoking inside the entire building is prohibited.
Please only smoke outside the front door.
Smoke detectors are located in all rooms due to fire regulations.
Should a smoke detector go off unscheduled and the fire brigade and other rescue services arrive, the guest responsible for the smoke detector going off will be charged the full cost of the fire brigade call-out (approx. €1900, as at 2023) etc.
3.) Escape routes/emergency exits: If the staircase is inaccessible in the event of a fire, please use the exit via the balconies. If this is also inaccessible, please remain in your room, close the door (do not lock it!) and make yourself known at the open window.
4.) For safety reasons, the front door on the ground floor must be kept closed at all times.
Blocking and wedging is not permitted.
The front door must always be closed quietly!
Slamming the door is completely unnecessary and disturbs the peace, thus harming the other residents of the house.
5.) In order to prevent mould infestation in the rooms, no laundry may be washed or dried in the rooms.
For the drying of the laundry there is a dryer as well as the left cellar room with clotheslines available.
6.) To save energy and heating costs, the rooms must be aired regularly during the heating period by opening the entire window, at least twice a day for 2-3 minutes. The bathroom and kitchen should also be aired after use.Otherwise, windows should be kept closed during the heating period (October to April).
It is forbidden to leave windows ajar for hours.
If the guesthouse notices that a guest repeatedly wastes an unnecessary amount of energy through incorrect ventilation, the monthly room charge may be increased at any time.
7.) After the shower:
Please strip the wall tiles, the window sill (ground floor bathrooms) and the glass walls (upper floor bathrooms) with the cleaning device.
It only takes a few seconds, but it saves a lot of energy and detergent!
Please open the shower curtain halfway so that the curtain and the room can dry.
During the heating period (see also point 6), please open the window fully for 3-4 minutes so that the humid air is exchanged.
8.) Night rest is between 22:00 in the evening and 6:00 in the morning.
This means muted room noise in all rooms, hallways, stairwell and kitchen.
9.) The rooms are cleaned by us every fortnight.
Towels are changed weekly.
Guests are welcome to carry out intermediate cleaning on their own. The necessary items will be shown or provided on request.
The bed linen is provided every 14 days for exchange.
10.) The room and kitchen areas must be vacated by 10:00 am on the day of departure, unless another departure time has been arranged with the guesthouse.
11.) The guesthouse cannot accept any liability for the loss of valuables (especially jewellery and cash).
The safekeeping of wardrobe, equipment brought along, musical instruments and the like is also the exclusive responsibility of the guest.
12.) WLAN is available to the guests.
Upon request you will receive the access code. Of course, the use of illegal content is prohibited.
13.) Kitchen:
Anyone using the kitchen must clean all used items immediately after use, dry and tidy up again so that other guests can use the kitchen again immediately afterwards.
Cooking, washing up and drying in the kitchen must be completed by 10.00 pm! Please plan your use of the kitchen accordingly.
In cupboards above the sink and in the fridge, each guest or room has its own area for storing food. This area must be strictly adhered to. If there is not enough space, please contact the guesthouse to find a solution together.
All items stored outside these designated areas may be freely used or removed by third parties.
Each guest must clean their area in the cupboards and refrigerator once a week.
If this is not done, the guesthouse, as the operator of the cupboards and refrigerator, is entitled to empty and clean the uncleaned area in order to fulfil its obligations with regard to hygiene. In the event of repeated neglect of the areas by the guest, the guesthouse will charge the guest for cleaning.
Food that is still good does not have to be disposed of: Please place them openly in the kitchen and mark the food as "free food". All of this food can then be used by any guest.
14.) Garbage:
Garbage disposal is very expensive, therefore garbage must be separated correctly.
In principle, a distinction is made between paper, compost, plastics and residual waste.
Please tear paper boxes small so that the paper bin is not immediately full.
15.) Washing machine and dryer:
Use of the washer and dryer must be completely finished by 10 pm!
The use of the washing machine and tumble dryer must be completely finished by 10pm! Please schedule your use accordingly or discuss this with your flatmates.
You are welcome to share a washing cycle with a flatmate to save costs and energy.
A tumble dryer is available for drying the laundry.
Washing powder etc. must be provided by yourself.
16.) The guesthouse is entitled to terminate the accommodation contract with immediate effect (also after occupation of the room) as well as to expel the guest from the house in exercise of the house rules, if the guest harms the reputation, hygiene or safety of the guesthouse or that of other guests (e.g. by smoking inside the building or by unnecessary noise), is suspected of committing criminal offences or harasses, repeatedly disturbs or disturbs other guests.